Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Over the last few weeks, I have been fortunate enough to see the real power of football by drawing kids to school and afternoon lessons.
Each day, in various neighborhoods (villages) surrounding Blantyre, we have assisted Play Soccer Malawi with their fantastic football and education sessions. We have taught such things as social equality, health (heart, eyes, lungs), and community leadership. My favorite was the sign language as no one, including my fellow coaches, knew that I knew quite a bit of sign. I saw 100 jaws drop when I did the alphabet with both hands.
Must run to another session.
Bo bo.

1 comment:

  1. I once knew how to sign "B E E R", but forgot. Be careful not to make yourself too indispensable or they may not let you leave! (are you surprised that this advice should come from a Gov't worker?)
